Master Tung Kuan Yen

Master Tung Kuan Yen was born in Taiwan in 1959. At an early age, he started practicing Tai Chi Chuan mainly to improve his poor personal health. Under the hard traditional tutelage of Master Xiong he was accepted as a disciple and was taught in several styles of Tai Chi Chuan including the Chen and Zhao Bao styles.

In 1985, Master Tung travelled to Argentina and the USA to teach and quickly gained recognition among established Masters. However, to continue his personal training he eventually returned to China in 1992. 

A long pilgrimage through China eventually led him to the very roots of Chen style Tai Chi Chuan. In the village of Chen Chia, he trained with Master Chu Tian Cai for several years. Afterwards, he travelled to Beijing and met the eighteenth generation Grandmaster Feng Zhiquiang, recognized as a “national treasure” of Chinese martial arts. He was immediately accepted as a direct disciple to receive all the knowledge of the lineage. After years of study and practice, Master Tung became the nineteenth generation master in Chen style Tai Chi.

Master Xiong Wei (front) and Master Tung Kuan Yen

Master Xiong Wei (front) and Master Tung Kuan Yen

Grandmaster Feng Zhiquiang (front) and Master Tung Kuan Yen

Grandmaster Feng Zhiquiang (front) and Master Tung Kuan Yen

Master Tung has taught Tai Chi Chuan for more than 20 years and developed his own style, called Wu Xiang Tai Chi Chuan. Wu Xiang means “no form” and emphasizes the training of the fundamental principles of Tai Chi Chuan. By training the essence of Tai Chi Chuan, the feeling of movements, the feeling of our internal and external state one can learn to no longer be attached to movements or styles, hence the meaning Wu Xiang. By understanding the 3 dimensional circles unrestricted in size, both large and small, anyone can learn the natural ability of creating movement, and martial execution. Moreover, regular training will help to become more mindfull and improve one's personal health.


A conversation with Master Tung, Oct 2017 LA