Online Resources

Videos are accessible to all students to enable self-paced learning.

If you are not yet a student but like to start learning by watching the videos then please contact Maarten.

Video 1:

Introduction class. What is Tai Chi Chuan? What are the fundamental principles? Why should one train Tai Chi Chuan and how?

Video 2:

4 foundations.

Video 3:

8 techniques, level 1, big and “fast”, small and slow.

Video 4:

The Qigong Coiling set is a very powerful qigong set to lead your energy to your skin and into your bones. Regulate the energy flow using your breathing and meditative mind. Breathing is a strategy to focus your mind and energy. Breath in when you relax (relax your lower back) and breath out when you twist your hands.

Video 5:

4 foundations.

Video 6:

8 techniques, level 1, focus on Peng technique/energy.

Video 7:

4 foundations, explaining in more detail how to circulate your energy during meditation.

Video 8:

8 techniques, level 1, focussing on circles and holding the ball using a Tai Chi Ball.

Video 9:

Meditation, calm your mind and feel your energy circulating.

Video 10:

Stretching, key stretches to become more flexible.

Video 11:

Breathing, key Qi Gong exercises to energize the body.

Video 12:

8 techniques, level 1, focusing on the principle of relaxing before moving.

Video 13:

5 steps techniques.

Video 14:

8 technique, level 1, focusing on many details of Peng, Lu, Ji and An.

Video 15:

8 Techniques, level 1, focusing on many details of Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao.

Video 16:

8 techniques, level 1, combining all technical details of previous lessons.

Video 17:

Class 8, training with intention, feeling your energy expanding and contracting.

Video 18:

5 steps moving Qigong set.

Video 19:

8 Techniques, level 2, beginning.

Video 20:

8 Techniques, level 2, Peng

Video 21:

8 techniques, level 2, Lu

Video 22:

8 techniques, level 2, complete form (right side)

Video 23:

8 techniques, level 2, complete form (both sides), slow and simple